
9 rue des Ecuries
68340 Riquewihr
Carte Gmap

Relaxation, escape… it moves in Ribeauvillé-Riquewihr !

Bike paths :

the path network has hundreds of kilometers divided on the whole of Alsace. At Ribeauvillé-Riquewihr, bike paths are many, accessible and well secured. Information by the Office of Tourisme


Les Appartements de Louise, gîtes à Riquewihr
Les Appartements de Louise, gîtes à Riquewihr

Quad bike treks :

Throughout the year, accompanied by a guide, discover our region

Quad (approved 2 places).

Contact : Alsace Evasion

Alsace Adventure Park at Breitenbach  :

Established in 2001 on an exceptional mountain forest site.  The Park offers many outdoor activities, including those who did his reputation as first and largest rope park :  no less than 10 golf courses in the trees, between 0.5 and 40 meters above the ground.

Jump, fly, climb nearby forest peaks of Champ du Feu.

Your contact : Aventure Parc Alsace Breitenbach

Les Appartements de Louise, gîtes à Riquewihr
Les Appartements de Louise, gîtes à Riquewihr

Pool of three Castles in Ribeauville  :

A pool of 25 x 15 m, children's pool, indoor and outdoor splash pool, waterslide, river, spa, jacuzzi, sauna, fitness, hammam.Des water aerobics, water aerobics, aquacycling, aquacardio. Muscle building and fitness.

Outdoor pool Carola: Open from June to August - Children's picnic and cafeteria


L'Alsace à Gyropode

L'Alsace à gyropode - Montagne et Vignoble Ouvert 7j/7, 24h/24, toute l'année ! Plus de 50 circuits et formules Montagne - Vosges - Le Markstein Lacs - Fermes Auberges Vignoble & Œnotourisme - Grands Crus d'Alsace & Visite de Caves Contact: https://www.funmoving-gyropode-en-alsace.com/


Ecole d’équitation et d’attelage. Randonnées en montagne accompagnées par des moniteurs diplômés d’état. Cours, stages, perfectionnement, dressage, saut d’obstacles, cross, examens, séances découvertes, balades…